
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Scheduler in Simulink

Schedulers can be designed for executing different function call subsystems at different time cycle.
Schedulers can be made by using the following ways 
  1. Ladder Logic (for better control of the function calls)
  2. Loop Scheduler (basic scheduling)
  3. Temporal Logic (compact scheduler)
  4. Function call blocks
Ladder Logic:
This could be the best method for designing the schedulers.
For example if the simulation sample time is 0.01 sec then we can have multiples of this sample time and prioritize the tasks.

Loop Scheduler:
This loop scheduler type are basic for loop logic which would execute subsystem with few function calls.

Temporal Logic:
This type of scheduler is made using the temporal commands like every, at, after, before and etc..

Function call blocks:
These function call blocks would be generating functional calls periodically and these functional calls can be prioritized by using the functional call splitters. but this method does not have much control as compared to the Ladder Logic scheduler.

This post would be continued with more explanation. Suggestions appreciated.

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